An industry legend:
In 1978, former commercial diver Lorenzo Cervellin founded Aquatica. The company has since become one of the industry's milestone for suppling high end equipment for professional divers and underwater constructions companies as well as military divers.
Most importantly, alongside the equipment supply, Aquatica delivers highly specialized training in certified equipment maintenance and other hands-on operations like the underwater ultrathermic cutting class.

My self-imposed guidelines for the project have been set by prioritizing on two very simple elements.
Firstly, I was determined to fully express the authenticity of the subject/situation by using only natural light. Although this is something a bit off of my standards, sometimes it's a project call.
For this reason I asked the action to be oriented light-wise in order to backlight the cutting station and to squeeze some fill light out of the building by the side.
Secondly, I worked on image look&feel in digital developing the series, with the goal of blending some color dominance across the scene and making some specific tones to pop.
For this reason I asked the action to be oriented light-wise in order to backlight the cutting station and to squeeze some fill light out of the building by the side.
Secondly, I worked on image look&feel in digital developing the series, with the goal of blending some color dominance across the scene and making some specific tones to pop.

After extended briefing on cutting technique and safety procedures, the hands-on segment begins.

Today Riccardo Cervellin is following his father's path, taking the company into the future while preserving the huge legacy of knowledge he's been given.

Welding is also part of the class program.

Here below a stylish 'side cutting' is very elegantly performed

Finally, the incredible disruptive power of ultrathermal cutting is proved to work also on stone literally melting down anything.